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Rental Assistance Program- Norman

Jennifer Prince

This year has many stories that we will be sharing with each other for decades. The story we don't want to tell is how we lost everything due to the pandemic. There are more and more programs available to help families in need.

We hope to share resources with our families to let them know their options.

If you live in Norman and are having trouble paying rent, the City of Norman is working with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide the assistance needed to keep you in your home. Simply meet their criteria, fill out a form and email it to

There are options for any circumstance, so please reach out if you are in need of assistance.

You will be required to provide:

- Documentation of previous employment

- Documentation of lapse of employment

-Documentation of current income level

This assistance helps renters with three months' rent paid directly to their landlord. It covers past due rent...not future rent.

Checklist of documents needed to apply:

  • Address of rental Unit

  • Names and ages of all household members

  • Identification of Head(s) of Household and ethnic and racial information

  • Leaseholder name

  • Copy of Lease

  • Amount of monthly rent

  • Name and address of landlord/ property manager to whom the check for assistance should be made payable

  • a letter from the employer is needed stating COVID was the direct reasons for the reduction in hours/pay or being furloughed or laid off.

  • Certification from Landlord of rent owed in arrears

Proof of previous employment may include one of the following:

  • Unemployment benefits or anticipated benefits

  • Current payroll stub

If you live in Seminole, Pottawatomie, or Comanche Counties (and Oklahoma) more information will be posted this week.

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